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Security Matters - Shopping Online

Is it safe to shop online?

The greatest worry one can ever have about shopping online is whether then can trust this virtual store with their money. It's a fact that its difficult to trust anyone, worse still, someone you don't know. For that reason, most people would rather do business with people they know than strangers.

But in our case, how will you ever get to know us before you try our services? Would you wait for your neighbor, friend or brother to shop first? Why should you trust us? What mechanisms are in place to ensure that you won't lose your money after choosing to shop with us?

Here are a few things you should know that may help build your trust in us.
Zimall,, is an online shopping mall created by Carbon Microsystems (Pvt) Ltd, a company registered and formally trading in Zimbabwe. We have been in business since 2012 and our offices are at No. 9 Verdi Lane, Strathaven, Harare.

The most important part is the payments and everyone would like to know if they can make the payment and don't get cheated.

Our current payment methods are as follows: 
1. Ecocash
2. Telecash
3. Bank Transfer / Deposit
4. Visa / Mastercard (Flocash)
5. Cash on delivery

So how can one use the above payment methods and not be a victim of internet scams?

1. Ecocash and Telecash
We have an Ecocash and Telecash Merchant Line, which means when you make your payment, you are supposed to choose the option “Pay Merchant” instead of “send money”. This at least establishes the confidence that you are paying to a registered merchant not just an individual.

So how does this help?
Both Ecocash and Telecash will only register legally registered companies for their Merchant service meaning that at least no bogus individuals will register as merchants as they have to pass through the registrar of companies first. The process of registering a company is quite difficult and boring so no one in their right mind would spend their money, time and efforts to register a company so that they would swindle peoples's money via Ecocash or Telecash.

So anyway, in case anything goes wrong, you can always get in touch with the Ecocash or Telecash officers to get help with a payment that you suspect may be stolen. They have all our details and it should be fairly easy for them to get hold of us.

In the next post, we will talk about the other payment methods. For the meantime, let us know what you think about security when making Ecocash or Telecash payments, in case we may be ignorant on some loopholes that exist on these payment methods.

About The Author

Rational Ear

Software Engineer at Zimall Online

@rational_ear - E-Commerce Consultant, Software Engineer and Entrepreneur. #PastPresident #Rotaractor #Rotarian #Rational

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